UN Special Envoy For Yemen’s Visits Tehran

  • 2024-02-05 03:19:17

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, visited Tehran and met with the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other senior officials and diplomats.

In his meetings, the Special Envoy stressed the need to safeguard the progress made toward a nationwide ceasefire, measures to improve Yemenis' living conditions, and the resumption of a Yemeni-owned political process under UN auspices. To this end, the Special Envoy explored with the Iranian officials ways to maintain a conducive environment for continued constructive dialogue in Yemen, including through sustained concerted regional and international support for UN-led peace mediation.

Discussions also focused on the need to de-escalate tensions at the regional level, and to prevent a relapse into the cycle of violence which plagued Yemen until the UN-brokered truce of 2022.

"I am encouraged by the continued regional support to the United Nations' peace efforts in Yemen at a time when there is so much at stake for 30 million Yemenis," Grundberg said and emphasized the need to reach a peaceful resolution that meets the aspirations of Yemenis.
