US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'

  • 2019-01-20 18:09:07
US President Donald Trump has attacked Democrats for rejecting his proposals to end the longest government shutdown in US history. He said his plans had been dismissed before he had even presented them. Mr Trump had offered "compromises" in exchange for funding for his security wall along the Mexican border, the issue that has caused the shutdown. But Democrats called the proposals "unacceptable", a "non-starter" and "hostage taking". There were two main offers in an address Mr Trump made on Saturday: Some 700,000 so-called Dreamers, who were young when they entered the US illegally with their parents, would be protected for another three yearsSome 300,000 people holding visas under Temporary Protection Status (TPS) would also get three years' protection. These are people who have fled countries affected by war or disastersWhat is the latest from Mr Trump?On Twitter, he said that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats had "turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak". He said his opponents "don't see crime and drugs, they only see 2020 - which they are not going to win". A second tweet appeared aimed at the conservative right, which fears the offer he made on immigration would amount to an amnesty.   He tweeted: "No. Amnesty is not part of my offer." He said he was only talking about a three-year extension and that an amnesty would "be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else". Mr Trump also said he was not planning a "big push to remove 11 million plus people" in the US illegally, but added a warning to Ms Pelosi to "be careful" on that. AFP.  
