PA ready to talk with Israel based on international resolutions

  • 2020-09-07 23:02:56
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said on Sunday that the leadership is ready to return to a political track with Israel based on international resolutions and agreements already signed by the two sides, Wafa news agency has reported. Shtayyeh made his comments during a meeting with the German Minister of State Niels Annen in Ramallah. The PA official praised Germany’s rejection of Israel’s annexation plans and support for the two-state solution. He stressed that the solid international and Arab position and the will of the Palestinian leadership and people combined to thwart the plans. He also reiterated the PA’s readiness to return to the political track based on clear terms of reference, including signed agreements with Israel and international law as well as resolutions recognised by the global community. “If the annexation stops,” said Shtayyeh, “we will not allow the continuation of the status quo, whereby [illegal] settlements and the undermining of the establishment of a Palestinian state continue.” He called on Germany to play a role in ending the status quo through a serious political track. Palestinian-Israeli talks have been stalled since 2014 after the failure of the then US Secretary of State John Kerry to get the two sides to reach a peace agreement. On 19 May this year, the PA announced the halting of all coordination and cooperation with the Israeli occupation authorities, and suspended all mutual agreements. Last week, PA President Mahmoud Abbas called for an international peace conference under the UN umbrella and based on new talks with Israel launched from the Arab Peace initiatives.
