Islamic charities affiliated with the Yemen Islah Party empty their bank accounts and transfer them to Sheba Islamic Bank in Djibouti and banks in other countries

  • 2021-08-15 22:19:36
Informed sources revealed to AIJES , “The charities of the Islah Party, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, emptied their bank accounts from banks in Yemen and transfer money abroad. The Yemeni Islamic party is concerned about the repetition of Tunisia's recent events against the corrupted Islamists . The sources indicated that the Saba Islamic Bank in Djibouti, owned by the Brotherhood leader Hamid Al-Ahmar, who currently resides between Germany and Istanbul, plays a major role in transfers to a number of countries in the Middle East and Europe. The sources said, "The charities affiliated with the Islah Party have actually started emptying their bank accounts from banking banks in Yemen and sending them informally abroad, especially to (Djibouti, Qatar, Turkey and Malaysia) under the cover of charitable money transfers." The sources confirmed that this came after the events in Tunisia, where the Islah party fears a repetition of Tunisia’s events in Yemen and the freezing of its accounts. According to private sources, most of the money that will be transferred by Islamic associations and organizations will be transferred to Europe on a regular basis (charitable and investment works) to enhance the work of Islamic groups in the organizational and investment framework.
