Lebanon refers 17 Syrians, Palestinians to military court for terrorism

  • 2019-05-11 22:35:27
Lebanon’s military judicial investigation authorities have referred 17 Syrians and Palestinians to the country’s military court. The individuals face several different charges, including joining “dangerous terrorist organisations and groups inside Lebanon and Syria”, as well as murder, attempted murder, kidnapping and possession of firearms for terrorist purposes. In the first indictment, examining military magistrate Fadi Sawan accused two Palestinians of belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), as well as engaging in hostilities against other Palestinian factions inside Ain Al-Hilweh refugee camp in southern Lebanon. The second indictment suggested that two Syrian defendants joined Al-Nusra Front – an affiliate of Al-Qaeda – and participated in the organisation’s attacks against the Syrian armed forces. It also accused them of holding and acquiring illegal firearms and ammunition. The third indictment accused two Syrians of belonging to a terrorist group affiliated with the so-called Farouq Brigades, which pledged loyalty to Daesh and attacked the army loyal to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. The fourth indictment accused three Palestinians of providing support and logistical resources to a wanted terrorist in Ain Al-Hilweh camp. The fifth indictment accused a Palestinian of belonging to Jund Al-Sham, committing murder, attempted murder and kidnapping, in addition to other hostile operations using illegal weapons and ammunition. Judge Sawan also accused seven Palestinians of participating in terrorist offenses inside Ain Al-Hilweh camp, illegally holding and possessing arms, as well as the unlawful use of firearms and ammunition for terrorist purposes. AFP.
