Iraq: More than 28,000 security personnel killed since 2003

  • 2019-12-20 14:48:07
The Iraqi Ministry of Interior revealed yesterday that more than 28,600 of its forces have been killed since the overthrow of the regime of late President Saddam Hussein in 2003. The Director of Martyrs and Wounded Affairs at the Interior Ministry, Zamil Al-Saadi, said the ministry has lost more than 28,600 of its forces since 2003 until now, adding that the number of those wounded was three times the number of martyrs. In 2003, international forces led by the United States toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein leaving the country in chaos which led to civil war and the emergence of Al-Qaeda and Daesh. The majority of the Interior Ministry’s forces were killed during the war against Daesh from 2014 to 2017.
