Iraqi armed forces to attack Islamic state insurgents

  • 2020-05-17 11:27:27
Mustafa al-Kadhimi Iraqi Prime Minister stated on Saturday, May 16th that the Iraqi armed forces will start a major attack on Islamic state radical militants in collaboration with Hashd Shaabi paramilitary fighters which will be at the forefront of the security forces in the upcoming attack. Al-Kadhimi office stated in a visit to the headquarters of al Hashd Shaabi "The Hashd Shaabi fighters are at the forefront of implementing this offensive alongside their brothers in the army and the other security forces," and "we are about to conduct a final offensive to root out IS organization, which is trying to reorganize its remnants". The prime minister statement came after the Islamic stare radical's militants intensified their attacks on the armed security forces including Hashd Shaabi forces and civilians off the Sunni areas, since the holy month of Ramadan attacks resulted in the killings of dozens of people and wounding others. Iraq security improved since the armed forces has defeated the Islamic state militants in 2017; yet, the Islamic state militants in the desert had been caring guerilla attacks against the civilians and military forces.
