US election 2020: The people who still believe Trump won

  • 2021-01-06 15:27:40
Weeks after President-elect Joe Biden was declared winner of November's election, there remains a deep mistrust of the electoral process among many ardent supporters of Donald Trump. It reflects a broader sentiment among conservatives, one that has profound implications for the nation and its institutions. Standing on Main Street, Dillard Ungeheuer, 73, was scraping cow manure off his shoes, left over from a visit to a feed lot, and seemed testy. When it came to the ballots, he was emphatic - many were fake. "I'm not going to argue with nobody about it," he says, voice rising. "I believe what I'm saying is factual." His indignation over the presidential election, and the government writ large, was palpable, and his feelings were shared by many in town. "No, I don't have much faith in government at all," he says. US President Donald Trump lost the election to his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, and his efforts to have that result overturned in the courts have failed. On 6 January, the electoral votes from each state will be counted by Congress. Although some Republicans have said they would challenge this final step in the process of certifying the winner of the election, it will only delay, rather than change, the outcome. Interviews with some two dozen Republican voters in the Midwestern state of Kansas reveal a picture of how they see the world. Most felt they had been cheated out of a victory, and that democratic institutions, particularly the electoral process, were broken. Most Republican voters, in Kansas and elsewhere, either believe Trump won the election or they are not certain of the victor, polls like this one from Northeastern University suggest. Jackie Taylor, 59, publisher of the Linn County News in Pleasanton, says the election was stolen: "The whole thing is dirty. You've got a guy who got elected under dirty circumstances, and now he's president." When asked why they thought the election was rigged, many said they got their news from Newsmax, One America News and other outlets that have broadcast stories about alleged voter fraud. These media companies were relatively obscure until Trump took office. He frequently mentions them and has raised their profile. Others say they did not know anyone who supported Biden, and have seen only Trump yard signs. For them, it was inconceivable that Biden could win. They hold an unshakeable belief, despite the lack of any evidence, that liberals stole the election. Their views are reflected in the programmes they watch, and are discussed in coffeehouses, at gas stations and other places in town. They called for an overhaul of the system, saying stricter controls should be imposed on voters. They said they were afraid that Biden would demolish what remained of American democracy, turning the country into a socialist state. Tyler Johnson, 35, spoke about election fraud while standing next to his Chevy, one outfitted with a feed box.
