Biden 100 days: What we all got wrong about him

  • 2021-04-28 16:37:30
For the White House press corps who've binged out for four years on the son et lumière of the Trump-show, the last three months have been a challenge. As I remarked, perhaps unwisely, to an audience the other night, the transition from Trump to Joe Biden has been like going from a daily crack pipe to a small bottle of low-alcohol beer once a week. The daily White House briefings now are a snoozefest. There are no fights, no name-calling. No middle-of-the-night Twitter storms, no payments to porn stars, no rollicking MAGA rallies. So does all this mean it's been a boring presidency? Absolutely not. This is a far more interesting presidency - so far - than I think any of us had imagined. I would go as far as to say it's fascinating. The sad thing, from a purely selfish point of view, is that what it isn't is a made-for-TV spectacular, which is what I have feasted on these past four years. Donald Trump always had an eye for the visual and outrageous. He knew how to make himself the centre of attention; Biden seems to relish the lack of histrionics, and seems to think it is important for people to focus on what he delivers, rather than what he says. Most strange. We reported that Joe Biden - all 78 years of him - would be a transitional president. He would be there to lower the political temperature; try to heal a divided nation. Take the absurd politics out of the response to Covid. Improve vaccine roll-out. Drain the poison from the body politic. But that aside, not do too much. He appointed a largely technocratic cabinet, presumably to perform managerial functions. Maybe make the trains run on time a bit better, but not change all the rolling stock, let alone alter the gauge of the railway. A fitting ambition for Amtrak Joe. But maybe we've got that all wrong. Is it possible that far from being transitional, he's transformational? And that word is not freighted with a positive or negative connotation - it is merely a statement based on the ambition of what we've seen so far. Voters will soon decide whether it's for better or worse. Let's start with the $1.9 trillion (£1.35tn) stimulus package. The headline from the passing of this humungous piece of legislation was that nearly all adult Americans would receive a cheque for $1,400 to help them cope with the hardships brought about by the pandemic. It was cash in hand to a lot of Americans, and won massive approval - from Democratic and Republican voters alike - although not a single Republican lawmaker would back the proposal. But look beyond the headline and lift the lid on this policy a little further. There is a lot to see. Perhaps most significant is the extension of child tax credits. Poorer families could soon be receiving up to $3,000 per child per annum. It is estimated this one measure will lift literally millions of youngsters out of poverty. As things stand, this measure is for 2021 only - but it is clear within the White House that Joe Biden wants to make this permanent. It is a major piece of social policy. It is big potatoes. With the passing of the stimulus package - or the American Rescue Package, as it is more properly called - Biden wanted to correct something he felt that Barack Obama had got wrong when he came to power and inherited the mess of the financial crisis in 2009. Yes, Obama passed a variety of measures - but with hindsight they were seen as too cautious; not ambitious enough. One insight that Biden has borrowed from his time as vice-president to America's first African-American president, is do not let a good crisis go to waste. The urgency of the pandemic has given Biden the excuse he needed to push for a massive plan. And he got it through. Now look at what he's planning on rebuilding America's infrastructure. Again, the price tag will be in the trillions. Again, the ambition will be immense - not just the staid repairing of bridges and roads (important and vital though that is); it is about making digital access more equitable - but it goes wider than that. Way wider. "It is not a plan that tinkers around the edges," the president told an audience outside Pittsburgh. "It is a once-in-a-generation investment in America." For Republicans it's typical government overreach and smacks more of social engineering than the civic kind usually associated with highway repairs. The wish-list of what Biden hopes to achieve from this infrastructure plan goes on and on. It aspires to create millions of jobs in the short term and strengthen American competitiveness in the long. It hopes to lead to greater racial equality. The focus on new, cleaner energy sources promises to help the nation fight climate change. On the subject of which, look too at the ambitious goals he's set for climate change with the virtual summit he held last week in Washington. These are not the actions of a steady-as-you-go president. A 52% cut in emissions by the end of the decade is BIG.
