Pawel Adamowicz: Poland mourns stabbed Gdansk mayor

  • 2019-01-19 17:25:16
Thousands of Poles have been attending the funeral of Pawel Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdansk who was fatally stabbed last Sunday.   Large screens around St Mary's Basilica in the city and across the country broadcast Saturday's service live. Mr Adamowicz, a liberal critic of Poland's ruling party, served as the mayor of Gdansk for 20 years. President Andrzej Duda and European Council President Donald Tusk were among those attending the ceremony. The service has been held in the vast gothic St Mary's Basilica, where a black urn containing Mr Adamowicz's ashes was placed next to the altar, ahead of its permanent placement in one of the chapels. People queued for hours in order to secure a place inside the building, one of the largest brick churches in the world. Mr Adamowicz's widow and two daughters attended, as did Polish Nobel Peace Prize laureate and ex-President Lech Walesa, and PM Mateusz Morawiecki. Gdansk Archbishop Slawoj Leszek Glodz addressed the service, saying Mr Adamowicz's murder served as an alarm bell for the people of Poland. "Our homeland needs harmony in politics," he said. Archbishop Glodz handed gifts from Pope Francis to Mr Adamowicz's relatives. Some 3,500 people were reported to be inside the basilica, including mayors from across Poland and from other nations. On Friday, a funeral procession was attended by thousands of people who followed Mr Adamowicz's coffin as it was driven through streets of Gdansk covered in white flowers and the city's red flag. Mr Adamowicz's body was then cremated. People have lit candles and gathered to sign a book of condolence at the European Solidarity Centre in the city. AFP.
