Coronavirus: Chinese state media take aim at US 'lab theory'

  • 2020-05-05 20:09:42
Chinese state media has accused US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of lying, after he said there was "enormous evidence" the coronavirus emanated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Mr Pompeo made the claim on Sunday, without going into specifics. In an editorial on Tuesday, the hawkish Global Times newspaper said Mr Pompeo was "degenerate". The World Health Organization says the US claims are "speculative", and that it has seen no "specific evidence". What did Chinese media say? Editorials in Chinese state media often given an insight into the direction of government thinking, but there has been no official response to Mr Pompeo's comments as yet. On Monday, the Global Times accused Mr Pompeo of "absurd theories and twisted facts", and on Tuesday the attack continued. "Pompeo aims to kill two birds with one stone by spewing falsehoods," it said. "First, he hopes to help Trump win re-election this November...second, Pompeo hates socialist China and, in particular, cannot accept China's rise." The editorial admitted there were "initial problems" in China's response to the outbreak, but claimed "the overall performance is bright enough to outweigh the flaws". It also said it was "conceivable that the virus first contacted humans in other places [than Wuhan]". The Global Times is not the only Chinese outlet to take aim at Mr Pompeo and the US. The People's Daily said Mr Pompeo had "no evidence", while a piece on the CCTV site accused US politicians of "nefarious plotting".
