Brexit: Prime minister to go back to Brussels on Wednesday
2019-02-19 21:48:17
Theresa May will return to Brussels on Wednesday to continue talks on her Brexit deal.
She will meet the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.
Earlier, Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay updated Cabinet on talks with the EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier.
The meeting, on the issue of the Irish backstop, was described as "productive" but Mr Barnier "expressed concerns".
Jeremy Corbyn also announced he would be going to Brussels to meet Mr Barnier on Thursday.
The Labour leader said they would discuss his party's Brexit proposals - including a permanent customs union and a strong relationship with the single market - and that it was a "necessity" to take no deal off the table.
The backstop is the insurance policy for stopping a hard border returning to the island of Ireland after the UK leaves the EU on 29 March.
The policy, which is part of Mrs May's withdrawal agreement from the bloc, became one of the main reasons her deal was voted down in Parliament in January, as critics fear it would leave the UK tied to a customs union with the EU indefinitely.
MPs gave their backing for Mrs May to renegotiate the policy with the EU in a vote earlier this month.
The prime minister said she was "working hard to secure the legally binding changes" that Parliament wants.