The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace urgently calls upon the parties involved in Israel and Palestine to Ceasefire immediately.

  • 2023-10-11 10:50:14

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace has called on the concerned parties in Israel and Palestine to respect international law and immediately cease all hostilities, including acts of violence and killing.

His Excellency Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan, President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, issued a statement on this matter, expressing the Council’s deep concern over the ongoing armed conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. He, along with all members and partners of the Council, strongly condemns all forms of violence, war, and fighting that exacerbate the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, leading to more casualties. The Council urgently calls for an immediate ceasefire, adherence to international law, and a swift return to negotiations to develop a political roadmap for a just and comprehensive peaceful solution.

This solution is based on the two-state framework, which entails ending the occupation and establishing the State of Palestine on Palestinian territories in accordance with international law within the borders of 1967.

President Al Jarwan emphasizes that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict should no longer persist through acts of violence, fighting, and war, characterized by action and reaction. The time has come to save lives and resources and work effectively to implement the two-state solution, which promises security and a just and comprehensive peace for the region.
