Russia deploys helicopter patrols along Syria, Turkey border

  • 2019-11-09 16:12:34
On Friday Russian forces deployed helicopters to patrol the Syrian-Turkish borders along the area where Turkey carried out the operation to evacuate People’s Protection Units (YPG) terrorists, Russian news agency, Interfax, reported. According to Interfax, the Russian helicopter patrols aim to protect Russian military police working on the ground. Interfax cited Russian military pilot, Dmitry Ivanov, as stating that Moscow would deploy its helicopters along several patrol routes at an altitude of 50-60 meters. “Such missions will be carried out every day along all patrol routes,” Ivanov explained. Reuters also announced that Turkish and Russian forces are holding joint patrols in north-eastern Syria to monitor an agreement struck by Moscow and Ankara, after the Turkish operation. Turkey carried out its operation to expel the YPG terrorists from the area, and set up safe zone so that hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees could go back to their country to resettle.
